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Railtours and Preserved Railway Events Involving Class 37s

Note: Subject to Confirmation, change, alteration or Cancellation, please check with the Railway/Operator

Sat 8th March 2025SRPS RailtoursThe Seven Counties RamblerEdinburghEdinburgh Via Carlisle & Preston20 + 37 + 50050
Fri 21st - Sun 23rd March 2025Branch Line SocietyThe Far NorthBo'nessWick37403 + LLS 37/4
Sat 29th March 2025Pathfinder ToursThe Heart of Wales ExplorerEastleighShrewsbury2x37 WCRC
Fri 11th April 2025Pathfinder ToursCambrian Coast ExpressSwindonPwllheli37 WCRC & NR 97
Sat 12th April 2025Vintage TrainsThe Central Wales ExplorerBirmingham New StreetShrewsbury37240
Fri 18th - Mon 21st April 2025Pathfinder ToursThe Easter HighlanderPrestonOban & Inverness2x37 WCRC
Sun 20th - Mon 21st April 2025East Lancs RailwayDiesel DiagramHeywoodRawtenstall37109
Fri 9th May 2025Pathfinder ToursCambrian Coast ExpressEast Midlands GatewayPwllheli37 WCRC & NR 97
Sat 10th May 2025SRPS RailtoursThe Oban ExplorerLevenOban37403 + 50050
Fri 16th May 2025Pathfinder ToursCambrian Coast ExpressBristol TMPwllheli37 WCRC & NR 97
Sat 24th May 2025SRPS RailtoursThe Tyne Clyde CoasterNewcastleWemyss Bay37403 + 50050
Sat 21st - Mon 23rd June 2025SRPS RailtoursThe Lochalsh ChopperCreweKyle37403 + 20 + AC
Sat 28th June 2025SRPS RailtoursAnniversary SyphonsCreweGlasgow Central37401 + 37403 + 37409
Thu 3rd - Sun 6th July 2025East Lancs RailwayDiesel GalaHeywoodRawtenstall37109 + others
Sat 9th August 2025Pathfinder ToursThe Heart of Wales RamblerDorridgeShrewsbury2x37 WCRC
Fri 5th September 2025Pathfinder ToursCambrian Coast ExpressCardiffPwllheli37 WCRC & NR 97
Fri 12th September 2025Pathfinder ToursCambrian Coast ExpressBristol TMPwllheli37 WCRC & NR 97
Fri 19th - Mon 21st September 2025Pathfinder ToursThe Autumn HighlanderPrestonOban & Inverness2x37 WCRC

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