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JunJuly 1984Aug

37014 1B15 1820 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37027 1T24 0840 Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37027 1B14 1650 Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37033 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Mossend - Cowlairs14.08
37033 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37033 1T45 1415 Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37035 2K03 0635 Inverness - Wick161.45
37035 2N26 1200 Wick - Inverness161.41
37035 2K12 1735 Inverness - Wick161.41
37043 1T16 0800 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37052 1S81 2050 Carlisle - Perth Between Mossend - Perth91.25
37112 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Cowlairs - Glasgow QS1.84
37112 1S07 2210 Euston - Fort William Between Banker Glasgow QS - Cowlairs1.84
37112 1B10 0950 Glasgow QS - Fort William122.74
37114 2N12 0710 Kyle - Inverness82.51
37148 1M15 1742 Fort William - Euston Between Fort William - Glasgow QS122.74
37154 1G53 1306 Carstairs - Edinburgh28.75
37154 1C92 1610 Edinburgh - Carstairs28.75
37175 1B08 0820 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37175 1T32 1300 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37183 2N14 0600 Wick - Inverness161.45
37183 2K09 1135 Inverness - Wick161.41
37183 2N37 1800 Wick - Inverness161.41
37188 1N23 1005 Glasgow QS - Inverness180.64
37188 1G18 1630 Inverness - Edinburgh187.58
37189 xxxx 0705 Llanelli - Paddington Adex 
37193 1M73 1125 Newcastle - Liverpool Lime Street Between ? - York Assisting failed 47523 
37260 2K08 1045 Inverness - Kyle82.51
37260 2N35 1710 Kyle - Inverness82.51
37264 1T03 0430 Edinburgh - Glasgow QS47.30
37264 1B11 1220 Glasgow QS - Oban101.32
37264 1T52 1800 Oban - Glasgow QS101.32
37266 2B08 0745 Cardiff - Milford H Between Cardiff - Swansea45.54
37266 5C48 1435 Cardiff Canton - Gloucester ECS 
37266 2C48 1650 Gloucester - Weston56.10
37266 2C33 1845 Weston - Bristol19.00
37266 2B37 1945 Bristol - Cardiff38.06
37274 2B77 0710 Cardiff - Swansea45.54
37274 0905 Swansea - Cardiff45.54

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