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DecJanuary 1993Feb

37078 1S25 2100 Euston - Inverness Between Edinburgh - Insch With 37250157.99
37078 1M16 2020 Inverness - Euston Between Inverness - Edinburgh With 37250257.04
37114 Stored Unserviceable - Allocated to MDYX - Distribution Stored Locos 
37152 1S79 2115 Euston - Aberdeen Between Edinburgh - Aberdeen With 37170130.46
37152 1M12 2120 Aberdeen - Euston Between Aberdeen - Edinburgh With 37170130.46
37170 1S79 2115 Euston - Aberdeen Between Edinburgh - Aberdeen With 37152130.46
37170 1M12 2120 Aberdeen - Euston Between Aberdeen - Edinburgh With 37152130.46
37250 1S25 2100 Euston - Inverness Between Edinburgh - Insch With 37078157.99
37250 1M16 2020 Inverness - Euston Between Inverness - Edinburgh With 37078257.04
37401 1Y11 0335 Edinburgh - Fort William169.83
37404 1A44 0600 Inverness - Aberdeen108.35
37404 1H27 0920 Aberdeen - Inverness108.35
37404 1A52 1220 Inverness - Aberdeen108.35
37404 1H35 1714 Aberdeen - Inverness108.35
37410 0730 Ayr - Glasgow41.48
37410 1K15 1730 Glasgow - Ayr41.48

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